Meet Farmer John
Humorous farm stories for five to eight year olds up: written by David Charles, delightfully illustrated by Jake Tebbit.
Farmer John Stubblefield is always doing something wacky or wrong…
He loses his boots and calls in the police to look for them. He gets into trouble when Myrtle his muck-spreader misbehaves and covers everybody with dung. He wears his wellingtons to Buckingham Palace to collect a knighthood but worst of all makes the Queen muck out his pigs when she comes to visit!
Farmer John could not survive without Wendy his wife. Wendy suffers Farmer John's mad ideas and odd behaviour with good humour, but sometimes she loses her temper with him. But it never lasts for long. Wendy realizes that she can't change Farmer John and she doesn't really want to. She knows that life on Thistledown Farm would be very dull if she did!
The title story, Farmer John's Boots, is available for you to read online. Click here, or on the picture.
Farmer John’s boots go missing, but PC Collar is soon on the trail ...